

西雅图十大赌博正规平台在线的政策是每年对所有员工的表现进行评估.  对教职员的适当评价是提高学生成绩和地区运作效率的一个组成部分.   

  1. 非监督持证人员的评估
  2. 教育总监应与西雅图教育协会(“SEA”)合作,制定一套评估持证教师的制度。. Such a system shall provide for supervisory assignments for staff evaluation; observations; evaluation of new staff; criteria and related forms to be used for evaluating teachers, 教职员助理, and classified staff; observation and evaluation procedures; probationary action; and non-renewal procedures. 所有负责员工评估的校长和行政人员都应接受适当的培训,并应期望他们展示实施地区员工评估计划所需的技能.

    评估非监督持证员工的评估准则和时间表,载于环评局与地区之间的有关集体谈判协议,以及RCW 28A所列的最低标准.405.100.

  1. 校长及助理校长的评估
  2. 每名校长及副校长应每年接受评估. 评估应基于其工作描述, 完成年度目标和绩效指标, 并建立了评估标准.

    监督员应为这些评价制定一个程序. 校长应通知校长和副校长用于评估的标准. 校长和助理校长应根据2011年校长/助理校长评估程序进行评估. 评价标准应包括, but not be limited to: the ability to create a school culture that promotes the ongoing improvement of learning and teaching for students and staff; the ability to create and provide for a safe school environment; the ability to develop, 实现, and evaluate a data-driven plan to increase student achievement; the ability to 协助 指令al staff with alignment of curriculum, 指令, and assessment with state and local district learning goals; the ability to monitor, 协助, and evaluate effective 指令 and assessment practices; the ability to understand school finance issues and manage both staff and fiscal resources to support student achievement and legal responsibilities; the ability to partner with the school community to promote student learning; and the ability to demonstrate a commitment to closing the achievement gap.

  1. 认证代表管理人员评估
  2. 监督员应为这些评价制定一个程序. 督学应将用于评估目的的标准通知这些管理人员.

    的标准, 当可适用, 至少应包括以下类别:了解, 的经验, 以及识别良好职业表现的培训, capabilities and development; school administration and management; school finance; professional preparation and scholarship; effort toward improvement when needed; interest in students, 员工, 顾客, and subjects taught in school; leadership; and ability and performance of evaluation of school personnel.

  1. 评价代表的叙级工作人员
  2. 评价叙级代表工作人员的程序和标准应以工作说明和有关集体谈判协议所载的任何适用标准和程序为基础.

  1. 评价无代表工作人员
  2. 评价无代表工作人员的程序和标准应以监督和人力资源部制定的工作说明和因素为基础.
